Using electronic data reduces paper storage requirements and man-made mistakes in using paper-based and manual reporting.
Integrates existing Hospital electronic record systems, and external Pathology records into one platform.
Retrospective reviews can be done in a time-efficient manner, compared to chart reviews.
To decrease COST-man-hours- ICP time, Multiprac makes use of electronic data. This reduces paper storage requirements and man-made mistakes in using paper-based and manual reporting.
In digitising content, an organisation can allow for the timely Interpretation of health data, notification of IC issues, and work on finding ways to improve these, enjoying reduced ICP workload (man-hours) with Pathology screening eg “Pathology feed with Multiprac reduced screening from 4hrs to 1hr per week”(anon ICP) >Decreased COST.
Timely interpretation of health data, notification of IC issues, and how to improve these, coupled with easier access to health data by clinicians to work with and produce usable reports in a timely fashion are known issues in clinical settings. Using Multiprac pathology notifications of SO, BSI, etc are available in a timely manner, retrospective reviews can be done in a time-efficient manner and Infection Control Profiling of SO, BSI, SSI can be created for a clinical area or Ward. Teams can monitor this for transmission, using this data for clinical practice changes or to prevent unnecessary patient isolation, likely improving Patient Care.
Multiprac draws data from multiple sources and combines it with analytical capability and reporting to help manage infection outbreaks, avoid hospital readmissions and improve staff health.
See our solutions in action – book a demo with one of our specialised clinicians now!