Healthcare Horizons May 2024: Local Solutions, Global Impact

A note from our CEO:

Dear Ocean Health Systems Community,

We’re on the cusp of the third month of 2024. If these initial few weeks are anything to go by, we’re in for a big year of AI developments, health tech advancements and collective growth through learning and knowledge sharing.

We look forward to connecting with new clients and old, and helping your healthcare organisation manage health data, knowledge sharing, infection control, staff health and more.

We are excited to launch brand new Multiprac products into the market this year, as well as grow our team of experts and engineers, to keep improving our offerings to maximise benefits for our users.

I would like to personally extend my gratitude to everyone in the Ocean Health Systems ecosystem for your contributions and engagements and wish you all a massively successful 2024.


Lukas (Martiens) Eksteen

CEO, Ocean Health Systems

Get to Know: the Powerhouse of AQL

To set a wonderful tone for the year, take a look at this great interview from the team at OpenEHR who are looking at shining a spotlight on the professionals using the OpenEHR standard for transformative healthcare solutions around the globe. Here’s our Lead Developer Dr Chunlan Ma, PhD in conversation with OpenEHR CEO Rachel Dunscombe about her background, journey and being the ‘powerhouse of AQL’.

What is AQL?

Archetype Query Language, or AQL, is a query specification for openEHR data. The specification benefited from wide formal and informal input from the openEHR and wider health informatics community, with Dr Chunlan Ma being the Primary Author.

AQL was developed specifically for expressing queries used for searching and retrieving the data found in archetype-based repositories.

AQL has the following distinctive features:

  1. The utilization of openEHR path syntax to locate clinical statements and data values within them using archetypes; this syntax is used to represent the query criteria and returned results, and allows stating query criteria using archetype and node identifiers, data values within the archetypes, and class attributes defined within the Reference Model;
  2. Returned results may be objects of any granularity from ‘top-level’ RM objects to primitive data items;
  3. The utilization of a CONTAINS operator to match data hierarchy relationships in order to constrain the source data to which the query is applied;
  4. The utilization of ADL-like operator syntaxes, such as matches, exists and not;
  5. Model-neutral syntax: AQL does not have any dependency on a Reference Model; it is also neutral to system implementation and environment;
  6. Supports time-based conditions to query historical versions of data.

Discover clinical governance at its best with Clinical Knowledge Manager

This powerful collaboration tool helps users identify and define models of clinical content.

It also helps organisations manage, describe, and understand clinical data models and how they can be used across applications.

Replacing time-consuming manual methods with streamlined online collaboration facilities with efficient and collaborative online facilities, CKM allows clinicians who generally have tight schedules with little time to spare to better fulfill the needs of their patients. With convenient built-in engagement functions, it simplifies manual operations, including governance workflows. Users can view details such as version control to understand exactly when models were last updated, understand the current state of the review process, and once ready, publish these models for organisational use.

The result is measurable in terms of quality, time-to-delivery, and reduced human resources requirements. Health jurisdictions and national programs can use CKM in the development of clinical content standards for national or regional use.


Spotlight on: A CKM Use Case for CatSalut, Catalonia


The mission of CatSalut, a healthcare facilities and medical research group, is to guarantee comprehensive, quality health care to Catalonians. They aim to provide health care services to the entire population of Catalonia, Spain; efficiently and effectively.

Catalonia is moving towards a future in which concepts such as patient-centric, data-centric, longitudinal electronic health record, integrated care, open platform, and clinical knowledge management become routine practice. A future in which the current barriers of interoperability are overcome to move towards common semantics for the clinical knowledge domain. All in all, with the idea to systematically harness the power of data and deliver patient-centric care.

CKM International is used by more than 2500 people in over 100 countries. This sophisticated tool allows domain experts to share data models, contribute to modelling discussions, and provide reviews anytime, anywhere. CKM implements advanced governance workflows allowing high-quality data models and associated documentation for clinical system implementation to be published. CKM manages data models developed using openEHR’s two-tier modelling where archetypes based on the openEHR reference model are combined into templates that represent the data requirements for specific use cases. Based on a standard architecture for future-proof health information, openEHR offers a path from silos of data to longitudinal, patient-centred care, for life.

The purpose of the service is to provide a Clinical Knowledge Manager solution for the deployment, management, and publication of clinical knowledge artefacts, based on the openEHR standard. The main aim is to integrate all clinical data related to the Catalonian citizens with a longitudinal lifetime view and make them available to all the health ecosystem through the use of semantic standards.


Let’s talk about Staff Health

We’d love to hear more about how you currently manage staff immunisations and what features you would like to see in staff health software.

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